• Diary

    on this day college is on holiday and I play moba genre game called dota 2, this is game 5 vs 5, and i am very bad team and also trashtalk, i also join trashtalk also for anyone who die in game, and it is very fun, and finally play dota until sick. (December 23rd 2017).

    Today in the district mathematics course, in this lesson I am always sleepy because his lecturer explains the exact material just reads the slide, and 1 slide of material is usually 50-70s, so many of us play games rather than listen to lecturers. and we often play games together with friends.(December 24th 2017).

    In this afternoon there is an additional hour of video editing class held campoerseni, and who brought the material it turns out to be a senior in the same community, fitting come he immediately greeted me, when I just came directly told to introduce, but the material he brought was very cool, and greatly add insight.(December 25th 2017).

  • Without a heart

    Say, if everything was thrown away,
    Would living with a smile be easier?
    Because my chest is hurting again,
    Don’t say anything more.
    Say, if everything was forgotten
    Would living without crying also be easier?
    But I can’t do things like that
    So don’t show me anything more.
    No matter how close I get to you
    My heart is just one
    It’s awful; it’s so awful, I’d rather you
    Destroy my body, tear it to sheds, do as you please
    Even if I scream, squirm and cause my eyelids to swell,
    You still hold me tight, you won’t let go,
    So it’s okay.
  • Diary

    today there is an additional lesson of informatics logic, and it should start at 3.40 pm but the lecturer says that he will be late, and when it is raining hey, my friend and I take the initiative to late, so I'm late in that time, class hours of 4.50. because I am a model student, heheheh. Late one hour more, luckily the material that I submitted already understand so fitting explained in front of me directly understand.(December 14th 2017)

    today the course of the structure of the data theory, at about 1 o'clock I started doing the great assignment given by the lecturer. but when I was seriously working on the jam, I realized it was 3 o'clock, and finally I did not go to college.(December 15th 2107)

    Today it is scheduled that there will be shooting for English drama after computer networking lessons, and we have to gather 1 o'clock in my boarding house to get ready to go to the location, but they come at 2 o'clock, and finally we go to the location, the journey in the sky is cloudy. Eventually we arrived and we took the scene in the video. But about half past five it started to rain, and finally heavy rain, and forced shooting stopped. (December 16th 2017)

  • Diary

    today I leave from demak to jogja this morning, after arriving in jogja me with my friend immediately went back to our friend's fun event that is in godean, but when the journey is very hot but it fits to even rain, but we come too late because the road jammed. after a short chat we finally back to boarding, (December 8th 2017)

    on this saturday i have organizational activity event camp at beach watu kodok gunung kidul, and we leave at 4 pm and get there at 6 pm, and we set up tent and burn fire, and also burn corn and others sing until morning.(December 9th 2017)

    today I run a monthly routine with my mates to mister burgers tap the end of the month, and we one ordered two burgers at once, and who do not have to run out of clothes when the trip back kekost, but all finished, I almost did not run out, but eventually it runs out too, and like this is what makes us happy, (December 10th 2017)
  • keep smile boy

    Have you ever loved someone?
    You are willing to do anything for him
    When you really love her,
    struggling tirelessly
    In love it is natural.

    Do you know?
    love can go and not come back
    he can be silent a thousand languages
    but what you strive for never thinks of you,
    and you are only considered a bully,
    at that time you feel sick and unprepared for this,
    but you can not, and you can only feel sad,

    do not you want to be me?
    who is always worried about you
    who hopes to be a priority in your life.
    think of me more than anyone.
    be a place to lean if you have trouble,

    you can not possibly be like me, who keeps the pain,
    jealousy, sadness, regret, stress, and constant worry about you,
    it is silent for me to be a solution, hold it all alone,
    blame myself always do,

    I'm not a perfect person
    I can not protect you
    I can not take care of you all the time,
    I turn out to be careless and still childish.
    I can not be the man you crave,

    as long as you know how much I appreciate the feelings, and how much I love you.
    holding everything from happy things, always calling your name in my prayer,
    trying to smile what it is

    I know, fighting for you is my must
  • Diary

    Today, I went to campus, because my community held a photoshoot of UTY graduates at lobby, and there was a photoshoot with the modeling division, but at that time there was a heavy rain ( November, 25th 2017 )

    on Monday night, I am owl with my friend at alfamart magelang street, because nowadays the lecture is held in the afternoon, I hope to sleep from morning until noon, but at 8 am I forget to edit the modeling division photos, and finally I do not sleep until the lecture ended ( November, 26th 2017 )

    today I went to campus as usual, came at 7 o'clock due to heavy rain, but lecturer came at 8 o'clock, we were with friends playing legend mobile games while waiting for lecturers to come, and same friends busy doing chores for college this afternoon and the day we came to campus again and after almost in class there is info that college is closed, I amr happy, because I can sleep in boarding house. ( November 27th 2017 )
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